The Certificate in Classical Architecture (CCA) program provides architects and designers with a working knowledge of classical architectural design. Requirements for completion ensure participants build a broad foundation of skills and knowledge in the 91ַ core curriculum. The CCA serves as a catalyst for deeper appreciation and understanding of the classical tradition. There are four paths to earning the certificate:
You can view more information about the full requirements for completing the Certificate program, including the four completion paths and the 91ַ’s core curriculum subject areas, here.
If you are enrolled in the Certificate in Classical Architecture program, you may request a transcript of your current progress towards the Certificate by emailing [email protected].
Please fill out the form on our enrollment page to register. If you are based outside of the United States and are having difficulties inputting your address, or if you have other inquiries about enrollment, please email us at [email protected].
Should you have additional questions about the program after reviewing these questions, please contact us at [email protected] or 212-730-9646 ext. 112.
Currently, it is not possible to complete all of the Certificate requirements through online courses alone. Most of the 91ַ’s curriculum is based on hand drafting and other skills that are best taught in person. However, it is possible to earn some credit towards the Certificate through online programs. If you would like to get started with programming online, you can find the 91ַ’s on-demand video courses here. The video course “The Foundations of Classical Architecture: Roman Classicism” is a good starting point, though you may watch whichever courses you are most interested in. In addition, any upcoming webinars will be listed on the 91ַ’s calendar.
Video courses that provide credit towards the Certificate in Classical Architecture are available here. Live courses, both webinars and in-person programming, are listed on the 91ַ’s calendar under Continuing 91ַ. Courses listings are for all of the 91ַ’s 15 Chapters and National Office. Please note that not all 91ַ programs count towards the Certificate in Classical Architecture. If a course carries Certificate credit, this will be listed on the individual program page. You may also be interested in exploring information about the Summer Studio in Classical Architecture (Certificate Path B) or the Intensive in Classical Architecture (Certificate Path A). In addition, many special programs such as the Christopher H. Browne Drawing Tours and Workshops in Classical Architecture provide credit.
There is no cost for signing up for the program itself, but many of the courses that count towards the Certificate do carry a tuition cost. Tuition costs vary based on length and type of course. Many 91ַ programs have scholarships available to offset the cost of tuition; information about this is available on individual program pages where applicable.
Yes, previous courses taken with the 91ַ can still count towards the Certificate program. The 91ַ tracks attendance at all programs, so your credit should appear on your transcript, but if any previously-earned credits are missing when you request a transcript, please notify us. We do not consider credits to expire, and you are not required to complete the full Certificate program within a specific time frame.
Coursework taken through other organizations does not generally count towards the Certificate program. The primary exception is Path D towards the Certificate, which requires the coursework to be taken through a pre-approved design studio program.
No. The 91ַ Certificate in Classical Architecture program is not related to AIA CES. AIA CES approval of a course does not imply that it provides credit towards the Certificate in Classical Architecture program, and vice versa. As with AIA CES Learning Units, if a course carries credit towards the Certificate program, this will be specifically stated on the program page.
The amount of time it takes to complete the required coursework for the Certificate in Classical Architecture varies significantly between pathways and can be tailored towards your individual needs. Generally, the Summer Studio in Classical Architecture (Path B) is the shortest pathway and will take four weeks to complete. Path B is intended primarily for current undergraduate and graduate students, as well as emerging professionals seeking to apply for graduate school. The Intensive in Classical Architecture with additional coursework through Continuing 91ַ (Path A) typically takes one or more years to complete. The Intensive covers 64 of the required 100 credits in eight days, with the remaining credits completed in any length of time that is convenient for you. Completing the program only through Continuing 91ַ courses (Path C) generally takes multiple years depending on course availability, and many choose to work towards the Certificate for a number of years by taking one or two courses in a given year. This Path offers the most flexibility.
Yes, anyone may participate in the Certificate program. Prior to enrolling, please be aware that the majority of 91ַ course opportunities are based within the United States.